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H5n1 lyrics

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song lyrics
H5n1 lyrics

Spread the strain through muscles
Tissue breaks out, breaks up
Whispered soft wings
Spread out into
Echo through halls
Reversed whispers
Pieces break off
Spread the strain through your skin
Tissue retract reflect
The change of your pathogenic
System breakdown contingency

Pass off the hoard to the machine
Spit out, Spit up
You will see this in your lifetime
Repeated before we could take score
Wiped out in months

Prey, soft, past,

Keep the whispered rumors quiet, infect social standings.
Invest the spread like two towers.
Spreading fire through the masses to save themselves.
Use the blood to inoculate rampid spreading panic.
Harmless sent to extinct.
The destitute prisoners.

From the past
Sway the balance into their arms.
Lay your head on the floor think of your next pacifier distraction.
Close your eyes for good

The ending is coming prepare for the eradication
The ending is coming
Annihilation coming
song lyrics

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