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Extort To Saturate lyrics

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song lyrics
Extort To Saturate lyrics
Your face is slammed against the cold and moisty wall
Blood is dripping from your eyes
My godly knife cuts from your neck to ass
Rub my genitalia against your spine
Sensational stench is breaking free
I love to be inside of you
Feeling your warm and bloody entrails against my scrotum
Your screams turn into gurgling sounds as my knife ramms your
An insatiable urge to lick your red juices overcomes me

My fingers welcome your gory innards
I spit on my dick and now I masturbate
My tongue now finds it s way into your neck
Like licking a clit it spreads a smell
The o so sweet smell of human blood fills the air

I sniff and sniff until it tickles my nostrils
In paranoia I dwell
Now far from the real world
I find this state so swell
song lyrics

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