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The Great Mall Explosion lyrics

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song lyrics
The Great Mall Explosion lyrics
I thought it was the underground -
That we built something ourselves.
A self-sufficient subculture- a home away from hell.
The more I see everything crumbling
the more songs I ll sing like this.
Cause when you re gone, I will still be here.
Knockout connection face to fist.
This is the mall punk anti thesis,
mtv wants to buy us out.
A call to the independent record store:
"we could have conquered so much more, but
instead we sold ourselves off way too short."
Walking hand in hand,
corporate business and punk rock ltd.
Welcome to life after mtv.
Cause music is an art,
creation will inspire,
I got a feeling that I can t let go.
Talk about content with floating through.
Talk about just one more hit band for history.
You took your megaphone from the man
to speak to the whole world
and you never once tried
to make no difference.
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