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Before The Boat Goes

Before The Boat Goes mp3 songs

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Before The Boat Goes Down lyrics

every morning i get restless. . .
cups of coffee, fruitless journeys.
permutations, combinations, situarions, i don t like that.
walking pavements, full of faces.
feel the whirlpool, fight against it.
calling voices, low on choices, hidden forces.
it s a full time occupation, going nowhere.
think of something
think of something
quick before the boat goes down.
think of sometking
think of something good.
searching always for an answer.
empty glasses vicious circles.
permutations, combinations, complications.
it s a full time occupation. . .
reading papers, writting letters.
words are always there to squander.
see the moonlight, through the window,
stop believing.
it s a full time occupation. . .
song lyrics

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