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All That Remains lyrics

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song lyrics
All That Remains lyrics

As the light of the ever fading sun dies
like a candles flame taken by the wind
darkness reveals it s beauty
from the shadows
haunting it beckons me
calling my name

Slowly I transcend into a world so dark
a place where the sun never rises
the wrath of the heavens send onward storms
blood rains from the skies wounds. . . so softly

So warm so soft
like the taste of your tranquil kiss
your tranquil kiss from your soft bleeding lips
the anger of clashing thunder
sings a song of hate
sings a song of hate so strong. . .

A black rose blooms it blooms from a weed
and reeks the dark sent of death
I close my eyes and all I feel is sadness
only to open them and see darkness

Is this a dream I wish to never awaken
darkness I beg of you take me eternally
each step I take closer
pulls me further away

So warm so soft
like the taste of your tranquil kiss
your tranquil kiss from your soft bleeding lips
the anger of clashing thunder
sings a song of hate
sings a song of hate so strong. . .

"In this garden of grief I stand alone
scarlet rain it falls and I dream of you
the angel I thought I knew
the angel I thought was you. . ."
song lyrics

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