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Vision And The Verity lyrics

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Vision And The Verity lyrics

...met up with my soul again on a cold dark road. it got tired of me a long
time ago.(so i ve been living alone) do you know what it is to be dead like me?
can you feel what it is to be dead like me? can you feel what it is to be?
i cut out my heart just the other day. held it in my hand, said it doesn t work
that well anyway.( who need blood coarsinf through veins..this is the stain of my
father s shame) this body is ravaged by disease and dispair-
i just wanted to get away from there.(who needs blood coarsing through veins..
this is the stain of my father s shame) i m tired of feeling so weary and old
so tired so hopeless so lifeless and cold. (i can almost mark the day when
my soul began to fade away) no longer scared of the ghosts i used to see-i m one
of them, they re just like me.( i can almost mark the day when my hope began to
fade away) down on the road i saw a dead man. said, dead man, you look a lot
like me.(who needs blood. who needs shame. from my father all this came) so
i picked up the dead man, put him across my back. said, dead man,
we re going to fade away into the day..departed my soul again on a cold dark road.
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