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The Beholder lyrics

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song lyrics
The Beholder lyrics

I was living my life, as a 9 to 5,
I fed the kids, and the wife too
All of a sudden, Icouldn t understand
I m under arrest...what the hell for
You were there, you must ve known
You re not innocent, you were in the show
Your rights I ll read you (in cell)
You were there, you bloody well knew
Justice, it s a thing of the past, very past
Right or wrong
where do you think, you think you are
Freedom who are you trying to kid
You re in the soup, try live with that
Is it your title, that decides it all
Is it birthright, who should rise or fall
Have I not the right, the right to prove
Are the scales of justice for you to move, for you to move
I lived my life as a 9 to 5
I fed the lot, was not alive
All of the sudded, I really understood,
Ashes to ashes, flesh to wood
You were there, you must ve known
You re not innocent, you were in the show
Your rights I ll read you (in cell)
You were there, you bloody well knew
Justice, it s a thing of the past, very past
Right or wrong...
where do you think, you think you are
Freedom, who are you trying to kid
You re in the soup, try live with that
Is it your title, that decides it all
Is it birthright, who should rise or fall
Have I not the right, the right to prove
Are the scales of justice for you to move, for you to move
song lyrics

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