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The Streelighs lyrics

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song lyrics
7.3.05 lyrics

The streetlights paint a picture perfect portrait of ruby red
spattered on the sidewalks as we walk on by
Stare this beast in the mouth and know that it s breath reflects your foul play
You re melting from the folds of your own skin
Breathe in your lines
Exhale your life

Chalk-lines on bedsides are all that s left of our lives
And I would grab your hand if you d just say goodnight

I m moving on to the part where we will part ways
?Inevitability? is just a word that we will use to describe our relationship
When all is said and done
Breathe in your lines
Exhale your life
There is no savior
Just a god forsaken memoir

Chalk-lines on bedsides are all that s left of our lives
And I would grab your hand if you d just say goodnight

People will always change and stay the same
I m sorry, but I?m not sorry this time

Chalk-lines on bedsides are all that s left of our lives
And I would grab your hand if you d just say goodnight
song lyrics

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