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Forever Young lyrics

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song lyrics
Forever Young lyrics

I know that face from another place in time
Looks so familiar, so ageless and divine
This cannot be he has not aged a day
I caught his eye and I had to look away
Forever Young, what secrets do you keep?
This can t be real I knew him from before
This Vagabond, this Charlatan, this Whore
To see him now, a freak from my dark past
Was that a smile of knowing as he passed?
Forever Young, what secrets do you keep?
Forever Young, what secrets do you keep?
Together forever, we ll be Forever Young
Timeless, ageless, What secrets have you locked away?
Try to breathe, try to hide, are you dying on the inside?
Oh Oh Forever Young
Tomorrow s gone and forgotten
But I can still hear your song
Forever Young, forever young, forever
Oh Oh Forever Young
Timeless! Ageless!
What sectrets have you locked away?
Graceless! Godless!
Scream at the night!
Oh Oh Forever Young
The curse of time does not fall down upon his head
Forever Young, screaming please let it end
Forever Young
song lyrics

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