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song lyrics
Tourist lyrics

Driving through the wreckage of a maze of bones
You re talking to your mommy on the telephone
You say "Mother dear, can we please have some steaks tonight?"
While death is circling you just like a satellite
You re driving through disaster in your Cadillac
You re a fucking tourist
You ve got your mind all twisted up just like a rope
Don t worry lf you buy on time you still have hope
You blast that rock-n-roll music into your ears
You re a rebel, you re a rocker--you re drunk on beer
You re driving through disaster in your Cadillac
You re a fucking tourist
You ve wanted to kill yourself because you were so sad
It was the best goddamned idea that you ve ever had
You had seen a dead dog lying on the road
Four billion corpses, they re all stone cold
You re driving through disaster in your Cadillac
You re a fucking tourist
song lyrics

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