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Evening lyrics

Evening lyrics mp3 songs

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Evening lyrics
Those few times good fortune came to call
And all those days bad luck set in for keeps
If there were one that I could re-arrange
How much would I alter, how much would I change?

I ll take an evening, best time of the day
When the sun had gone, and the rain was settin in
That s my evening, one that s always there
How I sat and wondered, why you said goodbye
And left me here to fall.

If all the light and love that we both shared
Meant as much to you as they still mean to me
Then all we need to set it all to rights
Are just four words, and I ll be by your side.

But there s still evening, best time of the day
When the sun has gone, and the rain is settin in
It s still my evening, one I can t forget
How I sit and wonder, why you shook your head
And left me here to fall.
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