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A Small Boy And

A Small Boy And mp3 songs

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song lyrics
A Small Boy And A Grey Heaven lyrics

I turn inside of myself - look back into my past -
into nothing - the best time in life - barely present
I wish I could go back - tell that nice little boy
to be stronger - to be brave - bu I can t
he had his chance
I burn - scream - I despair on these thoughts of
the past - I realize that I had barely lived
but just existed - it s too late now
and my thoughts feed on this grief - the grief
creates tears that burn my skin
unable to ease the pain - I float in hoplessness
for the time is gone and the boy is a man now
the end - a beginning for everything flows and
we live to change - live to learn
the future s still open and to be lived like
the past has been wasted - with hope in my
heart I look forward
song lyrics

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