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song lyrics
Trees lyrics

It s time to brood
Put up the walls of sound
And practice all the finer points
Of falling down

I ll put aside
The calculated eyes
The even tempered smile
Diffuse again

Given time to discuss these points with
Outside help I could still these friends in my
Heading out to the trees I see myself

I hide in green
Recall the faded dreams
Collide my scope divides
And leaves the team

Beyond the veil
I watch the line extend
A helping hand withdraws
The line again

Given time to discuss these points with
Outside help I could still these friends in my
Heading out to the trees I see myself

Is that an angel on it s side
Next to the postman drifting by
I once had a dream that I could fly
Into the trees

It s time to brood
Put up the walls of sound
And practice all the finer points
Of falling down

I ll put aside
The calculated eyes
The even tempered smile
Collapse again
song lyrics

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