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Holiday Parade lyrics

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Holiday Parade lyrics

we lost lost the revolution behind closed doors after mass executions we lost now whatcha gonna do? it s the same or worse and there ain t nothin new free speech! for those who can buy it new clothes! if you re dumb enough to try it opportunity! if ya got white skin ya got freedom... when to exercise again. 8 cops couldn t do a thing to hurt me. 8 days couldn t do a thing to stop me when i shoulda been out and they shoulda been in why can t i throw up my hands and just say that they win? i got such a laugh outta your t.v. and i m sure as hell glad that those faces ain t me. it s been a long, long time since i saw a thing with any value at all is this the place i ve been? well i m not quite sure what i m gonna do but my options right now are gettin kinda few if it wasn t for all the friends i ve made i would bombed more than one fuckin holiday parade. some say that i don t belong here and that may be true. but why all the violence, cuz i m smarter than you? the border seems further away from me now i m gonna stay until they try ta get me out somehow.
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