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Mighty and Superior lyrics

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song lyrics
Mighty & Superior lyrics

Mighty & superior we re the rulers you re the ruled.
We say the grass is greener on the other side,but you can t see that of course
We represent the nation it s our people we put first
We even bail out thirld world countries, it s OUR Investment they DESERVE IT
Simply forcing the back the Russians with peace missiles built for trust
Screwing woth the Yankees - Law and Order Is our must
Sick and fucking tired of their collaborations
Forwarding the clock to our extermination
Get a one-way seat to destruction
Their choice - our must - to rise with the mushroom
Hail to the mushroom - the total combustion. The realization of annihilation
Poseidon s answer, the Trident blunders, Your choice - our must - to die
But you re wrong. Mighty and invincible as they boil the seas for power
Recruiting armies on the land to protect the state that cowers
From the Russkies - from the dollar. One s Investment, One, our enemy
These peole why can t they love. Human feelings, don t they matter?
Much rather they would rule, building castles and tycoons
A crust out to the third world, sending rockets to the moon
Making missiles, tanks and bombs, nuclear power for our homos
Raising hell up from the mines, to the last humans sacrifice...
Well, if you think all s well and strong
There s a movement that s uprising, If you think we can take that
You ve got one hell of a shock coming
You might just have pushed too far - you re superior to nithing
The UNGOVERNABLE force Is gonna drag you out of hiding
You think you ve got us beaten. You make one slip and you ll know it
We re watching every move you make, as you are us! - FORGET IT
For once we take an inch you just watch us take the mile
Your servants have turned their backs on you, now the world starts to smile!!!
Mighty and superior you are the rulers, we re the ruled
You said the grass was greener on the other side,but we couldn t see!of course
You represent your people, It s your own kind you put first
You bail out third world countries, YOUR Investment to preserve
Forcing back the Russians with peace missiles built for ???
song lyrics

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