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song lyrics
This Boy lyrics

Turn left at the old hote
I know this boulevard much too well it hasn t changed since I been gone
Oh this used to be my way home

They paved the road thru the neighborhood
I guess the county finally fixed good it was gettin rough
Someone finally complained enough

Fight the tears back with a smile
Stop and look for a little while oh it s plain to see
The only thing missing is me

That s my house and that s my car
That s my dog in my back yard
There s the window to the room
Where she lays her pretty head
I planted that tree out by the fence
Not long after we moved in
That s my kids and that s my wife
Who s that man, runnin my life

If I pulled in would it cause a scene
There not really expectin me those kid s have been thru hell
I hear they ve adjusted well

Turn around in the neigbors drive
I d be hard to recognise in this pick-up truck
It s just an old fixer up

Drive away one more time
Lot of things runnin thru my mind I guess the less things change
The more they never seem the same

That s my house and that s my car
That s my dog in my back yard
There s the window to the room
Where she lays her pretty head
I planted that tree out by the fence
Not long after we moved in
That s my kids and that s my wife
Who s that man, runnin my life

That s my house and that s my car
That s my dog in my back yard
There s the window to the room
Where she lays her pretty head
I planted that tree out by the fence
Not long after we moved in
That s my kids and that s my wife
Who s that man, runnin my life
song lyrics

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