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Hard As A Stone lyrics

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song lyrics
Hard As A Stone lyrics

In the morning and in the evening
When you think you?re alone
Too many hours in your apartment
Has made me hard a stone

I tried to crack you
I told you you?re the one
But you must have though that i was gone
I told you a lot of lies just to get laid
But your heart is hard as a stone

You?re a vicious but i?m a man
I?m gonna do what i can to remain hard as a stone

That little pigeon where did you find it?
I had to break her every bone
Eleven hours in your pool
No wonder i?m hard as a stone

She was delicious now i?m a star
If you wanna be what you are you better be hard as a stone

(the chorus)

You?re mean, but i?m a man
It?s not exactly what i planned but it seems i?m hard as a stone
Hard as a stone
song lyrics

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