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Static On The Radio lyrics

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song lyrics
Static On The Radio lyrics

What s that song on the radio
It s been so long since I ve heard a song that I want t oknow
Every word and every note
What s that song on the radio
Tune me in just this once
Tune me in just this once
Cause there s too much

Static on the radio

I could easily write by avoiding verdicts and judgements
But then I wouldn t be the one hanging myself over one wish

What s that song on the radio
It s been so long since I ve heard a song that I want to know
Tune me in just this once
Tune me in just this once
Cause there s too much

Static on the radio

What is it that makes artists feel that
Lack of focus is appropriate
And is accepted as an art form
Please wake up

What s this song on the radio
It s been so long since I ve heard a song that I want to know
Tune me in just this once
Tune me in just this once
Cause there s too much

Static on the radio
song lyrics

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