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The Calypso lyrics

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song lyrics
The Calypso lyrics
Coral reefs have their ways of just sinking ships
And all the fish with sharp teeth wait for it
Lifeless bodies live among debris
For all of the ugly gulls to see

We d still be alive
If devils knew how to fly
All weightless and we d float
But on the ocean they choke

They ll just swallow us up into tiny bits
I swear it looks worse than it really is
Strange worlds I thought
Would never show their face
But now I m feeling we should never leave this place

We d still be alive
If devils knew how to fly
All weightless and we d float
But on the ocean they choke

Sure, we know how to swim
But sometimes it s best to give in
We ll hold our breath now, forever
And hope for the best
song lyrics

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