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Babes In The Woods lyrics

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song lyrics
Babes In The Woods lyrics
Oh, don t you remember, a long time ago,
Those two little babies, their names I don t know
They were stolen away one bright, summer s day
And left in a wood, so I ve heard folks say.

Sweet babes in the wood
Sweet babes in the wood
Oh, don t you remember
Those babes in the wood

Now the day being gone and the night coming on
Those two little babies sat under a stone
They sobbed and they sighed, they bitterly cried
Those two little babies they laid down and died

Sweet babes in the wood
Sweet babes in the wood
Oh, don t you remember
Those babes in the wood

Now the robins so red, how swiftly they sped
They put out their wide wings and over them spread
And all the day long on the branches among
They sweetly did whistle and this was their song

Sweet babes in the wood
Sweet babes in the wood
Oh, don t you remember
Those babes in the wood
song lyrics

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