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Five Fingers To Spare lyrics

Five Fingers To Spare lyrics mp3 songs

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song lyrics
Five Fingers To Spare lyrics
Love for you has been so strong like a fool I ve gone alone
With my feet both planted firmly in the air
I ve been so in love with you I ve just thought you ve loved me too
But at last I d figured out that you don t care
I ve been counting all the time that you told me you are mine
The time you ve said how much you care
And I counted all of them on the fingers of one hand
And I still have five fingers to spare (yes I still have five fingers to spare)

Since I counted one by one and the answer came to none
I don t think you love me any maybe less
And if what I think is true nothing s good enough for you
And so I ll just give you nothing after this
I ve been counting all the time...
song lyrics

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