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Into The Depths Of

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song lyrics
Into The Depths Of Ruthless Excellence lyrics

Soaring a silhouette long-standing thaws into all and nothingness
Be aware of his shrewdness as the stirs up times of yore

Where ill-starred horror is aghast and murk seeks luminosity
Callous imps become the trees shedding leaves of enmity
Vicious earth now spellbound to tear his flesh and seize his core
Tis a noxious brawl amidst vociferous storms of war

A mystic radiance of ostentations splendor glimmers from within the remoteness,
Parading its monumental being throughout the wreckage

A fierce battle for veracity
When professed is oblivion
Darkest shadows creeping from below the pounding foliage
As he seeks in desperation the luminous cipher
The angered shadows penetrate his being to pull it apart
As he lets out a painful cry that burns his fading heart
A fierce battle for veracity
When all professed is oblivion

"A not so distant memorable dream pulls me away
Concealed from earthly foe, I reach a realm serene
Wherein my risen self beholds the eminent world unseen
Ensorcelled by its powers I become too small to bear my enchanted soul"

"When at my feet Oh ancient glorious mist
As I feel the cold serene wind chant thy music
And I see thy endless majesty"

"Drawn towards thy mystifying supremacy in rapture"

"I fly forth and beneath the vast shadow of my divinity
Lays thy realm that I shall forever...
song lyrics

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