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Blackest Heart lyrics

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song lyrics
Blackest Heart lyrics
my heart is as black as the darkest night
filled with rage thats the only light
i know that our mistakes were justified
i feel that its too late to waste more time
tear out the heart and just leave me the whole
burn me down
take my heart and my soul
stop this before i lose all control
take every memory of you i know
take every precious thing that i hold
tell me you love me the emptiest lie
say you love
say you hate
squeeze out this heart untill the memory dies
squeeze it out
make me pay
burn me completely and dont leave a stain
wash me up
soak it out
kill every promise
the memory stays
learn to hate
learn to hate me
at the end of reason
we have lost our eden
as we stand at the gates of the garden
we have lost our eden
now is the time for my heart to die
tear me down to build you up
rape the memory of whats left inside
no more love
no more hate
look in my eyes no life will you find
burned away
here to stay
soak up the answer to why love is blind
life is pain
life is pain but will end
song lyrics

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