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One Or Two In

One Or Two In mp3 songs

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song lyrics
One Or Two In A Million lyrics

People like you
Are one in a million
People like you
Come about once in a life time

You are special
Different from the rest
People like you
Are one in a million

I am so very lucky
To ever have layed eyes on you
I am so very special
To have you for myself

People like you
Are one in a million
People like you
Come about once in a life time

I am so glad
That I am with you now
People like you
Are one in a million

People like you
Are different from the rest
People like you
Deserve to always have the best

People like you
Are one in a trillion
People like you
People like you

I hope to stay with you forever
I hope you will always be with me
We can be like two in a million
A happy couple for life
song lyrics

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