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Cowards comlyrics

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song lyrics
Cowards.com lyrics
Songwriters: Dewees, James; Ellis, Nathan; Ingram, Sean; Steineger, Joseph Iv;

It s all too typical how they forget their names
When they finally grow their balls
It s all too typical how these parents
They deal with threats and dare to expect change anonymously

Where the hell do you think you are?
Dirty looks and guilt trips are useless on us
They only work on your own kids

And you, you Terry, you fall right in line
With your more gore and more fuck
And attitude that everyone is a fake but you
Well, fucker, you re the fake

Busy fingers on mental midgets
From left to right, east to west
It s so damned easy to be you
It s so easy to be a coward with no name
song lyrics

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