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Cut To Length lyrics

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Cut To Length lyrics
Songwriters: Dewees, James; Hilt, Stacy; Ingram, Sean; Steineger, Jes;

Doomed plans of safety surface
Between showcases of failed poetry
Your bullshit liberal declaration of pedophile immunity
Yet you wear it like a badge of wealth

One more ribbon, one more guilt trip
Still you would give them one more chance
And damn those whores for carelessness
Come with your declaration
Cut the length and choose your mount

I?ll wet the appetite for change
I?ll feast on them for a while
Statistic after sick statistic
Only your success is more pathetic

Take the rape and push it in
Until you?re raw to any comfort
Eaten out hollow he feasts
He smiles with her on his breath

She can no longer feel it tear
She can no longer push her self to breath
Yet you wear it like a badge of wealth

One more ribbon, one more guilt trip
Still you would let those bastards live
And damn those whores for carelessness
Come with your legislation
Cut the length and give them rope

I?ll wet the appetite for change
I?ll feast on them for a while
Verdict after unjust verdict
Only your success is more twisted

Take the rape and pull it out
Until you?re raw to any comfort
Eaten out hollow still bound
A smile never passed her lips

She?s tore to her navel
His sick idea of growing pains
Yet, you wear it like a badge of wealth

One more ribbon, one more guilt trip
Still you would let those bastards free
And damn those whores for carelessness
Come with your empathy
Cut to length and kick them down
song lyrics

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