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Measured In Gray lyrics

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Measured In Gray lyrics
Songwriters: Dewees, James; Ellis, Nathan; Hilt, Stacy; Ingram, Sean; Steineger Iv, Joseph; Steineger, Jes;

I m listening but I can t believe the arrogance
I m constantly bombarded with
If I were a lazy man I could swallow the debt you put us in
But now I fear that maybe I can t roll with these punches
I don t want to be that man

Independence is all me have
But that s now becoming a joke by your actions
I don t want to be that man who let it all go
And found out how sweet revenge really is

So sweet, it consumed me and pushed me toward crime
Oh, only if you put in the hours I have to make this work
Put in the time I think you want me to beg for what I work so hard for
Simple independence

All I ever wanted was for everyone to be content and safe
I won t be that man
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