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One On The Ground lyrics

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song lyrics
One On The Ground lyrics
Songwriters: Dewees, James; Hilt, Stacy; Ingram, Sean; Steineger, Jes;

She?s got one foot on the ground
That?s one more than before her day
Just crawl back and swallow your pride
Like so many pills before this girl, speak

You must know something more
I know that you must feel something
For your presence is coming chilly
Your motions sadly sober now

Please let yourself cry
Prove your miserable existence and I?ll believe
I?ll confess my sin
Choking on the manipulation of another

Roaming on the plane of no bother
The child spoke the truth, ?I can?t believe I?m dead?
So why bother us now
You knew everything except the price of haste

So hold your breath to hold his hand
I?m here so where are you?
Everything was lost overhead
Above the mantle in the depression

Not a single memory to burn in this betrayal
At least nothing that I can reach
I am still standing, still staring at your
Child rolling, playing in your husband?s stain

Would you make a token for your son
Of what?s left of his teeth pried from the plaster?
If he found the weakness to surrender to pain
Can you find the strength to search for him?

I am here, so where are you?
I am still here and I need you
song lyrics

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