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Lost In A Contraption lyrics

Lost In A Contraption lyrics mp3 songs

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song lyrics
Lost In A Contraption lyrics
I was lost in a contraption
Took me days to find direction
Suddenly the moments collide
Finally found the fault in father
Family blood dilutes the water
I was dazed in my direction tonight
Photographed when he hit the ground
No one minds
That s my blind side
I was lost and you re to blame
A man of doubt gave me a name
The obvious was too hard to find
To watch me try is out of line
The sun will shine
To watch me die
Is out of line
The sun will still shine
What s mine is mine
The sun will still shine
Interesting Fact: This song is about being an abused child, and realizing that the only way to escape the abusr is to kill them, even if it means killng the parent.
song lyrics

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