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A Blessing And A

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A Blessing And A Curse lyrics

When it all comes down
There ll be nothing left to catch you but ground
It s calling your name and filling your head
With delusions of glory

Is that how you re gonna write your story?
Down in your time as a high-flying flame out?
Sucking on what s left of your trust fund?
Sucking on the end of a shot gun?

But there s more here than meets the eye
The real story is under the surface
We re all so in love with the artifice
We don t dare look too close

It s a blessing and a curse
Watch out, Eugene, you don t make things worse
Wild dreams come true, what to do then?
Confusion and glory

A man s got to think it all through
Got to do what you got to do
It s itching to conquer and take you
Itching to make a mistake out of you

It s a blessing and a curse
I wish it didn t hurt so much
I wish it didn t hurt so much
I wish it didn t hurt so much
song lyrics

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