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Song Lyrics  Flesh lyrics

The day rolls in, the night rolls out
Desire rules without a doubt
The heart beats fast, you salivate
And when you come it won t be late
I guess by now you got the score
A little taste you want it more
From San Antonio to Marrakesh
Yeah when the night comes
Every body s gotta have FLESH
You got me all soakin wet
FLESH - the only thing that s worth the sweat
From the day that Eve did Adam
Down to Romeo and Juliette
Everybody gotta have...

The prince of lust has met his match
The witch has brewed her baddest batch
His sword is sharp and hard as stone
Her cauldron begs for one more bone
And so my love, this story s told
From modern times to days of old
From Boston Mass to Bangladesh
Yeah, when the night comes
Everybody s gotta have FLESH
It s got me all soakin wet
FLESH - the only thing that s worth the sweat, yeah
From the Mississippi River
To the highest mountain in Tibet
Everybody gotta have...

FLESH - you got me all soakin wet
FLESH - the only thing that s worth the sweat
FLESH - you got me all soakin wet
FLESH - the only thing, the only thing, the only thing
From a suvie in a Rickshaw to a bimbo in a pink Corvette
Everybody gotta have...
Song Lyrics

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