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Alone In The Dark lyrics

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Alone In The Dark lyrics

I feel the storm, but it s so strange
To feel desire without the pain
And I feel your eyes search my soul
For something sacred, for something more than you need

Your words are lost, there s no aim
It s pure emotion that holds this flame
And the rain will fall and touch your heart
It s pure devotion alone in the dark

So tell me what you feel
Tell me every little thing
Tell me all that you are now
And tell me what it s like to see
From your own heart
Now I ve got you
... Alone in the dark

The shadows fall all around
There s no one to harm you here, nowhere to be found
And it seems like we ve been lost in the world of our
Own thoughts
There s no one I d rather be with now until the end

So tell me what you feel
Tell me every little thing
Tell me all that you are now
And tell me what it s like to see
From your own heart
Now I ve got you
... Alone in the dark

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