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As Far As You

As Far As You mp3 songs

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As Far As You Can Go lyrics

You took me up, took me higher baby
As far as you can go
You lit the flame of my desire
And everyone should know

The sunny streets of my hometown
Where we began to play
And the feelings deep inside my heart
Will never fade away

See I try, try, try, but that s no good for you
If you really feel you need to work it out

Take a trainride to the mountainside
And let it all fade away

And the happiness that you gave me honey
I will always save
You see the cool breeze of love just blew and then it went away

You see I try, try, try, but that s no good for you
If you really feel you need to work it out
Well hey

Take a trainride up through the mountainside
And let it all fade away

As far as you can go

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