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1000 Days lyrics

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Song Lyrics  1000 Days lyrics

Eyes they burn from stinging travel and missing you is hard to handle.
Stayed away a thousand days and things have changed like a decade.
Made the most of all my days and still I m on the wrong page.
Now I m home and feeling more alone. It s in your tone, so maybe I should go.
Why d it turn from sweet to bitter? And now no cure can make it better.
Stayed away a thousand days and things have changed like a decade.
Made the most of all my days and still I m on the wrong page.
Now I m home and feeling more alone. It s in your tone, so maybe I should go.
Speeding faster towards disaster. This house is cancer, I won t last here.
Years go by and still no answers. No answers! Now no cure can make it better.
yed away a thousand days and things have changed like a decade.
Made the most of all my days and still I m on the wrong page.
Now I m home, Speeding faster towards disaster. It s in your tone.
Years go by and still no answers! Still no answers!
Song Lyrics

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