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The Partys Opinion lyrics

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The Party s Opinion lyrics

Sadly I cavil and carp
At your passion to prove yourself
When I ll be right behind you.
Break your heart for celebration
Like a champagne glass-like dehydration
We ve got you dialed.

Keep the party s opinion
I m too late when I make my decision
If the subject drops when your heart stops
I ll take a shortcut to killing you quicker than we re settling for.

Gladly I open my ears as you beg us to choose your self
Since summer we ve tried to, mind you.
Take a part our guns and ammunition
So that you could take part in the exhibition
Of which you design.

If upon the retinue he builds up n out.
Creates a livestock-like love in ground
6 deep.
We tore the town in two and it feels exciting.
To go from black to bones this fast
Is change that s worth fighting for.

Everything and everyone that used to seem exciting.
Enlightening too many events (forsigh) for citing.

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