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If I Had It My

If I Had It My mp3 songs

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If I Had It My Way lyrics

Oh Yeah! oh oh...
I look around and see the possibilities
You know its fun to be me
Never fit the crowd Nothing gets me down Never scared to dream
If something can be done I m gonna prove them wrong
Make everybody believe
If I had the chance I would change it all
That s what I m ready to see

If I had it my way I would make new rules that sounds cool
People say I m crazy they don t understand who I am
If I had it my way I would change the world just one girl
If I... If I... If I had it my way

I ve got a buzz in me that know one ever sees
In the attitude YEAH!
I m gonna find a way no matter what they say
I do what I gotta do
Cuz when I see something that can be done that only makes me strong
It happens every time
Cuz I can take a situation totally wrong and make it turn out right


Na Na Na Na
I can do anything
Na Na Na Na
So watch me

[Chorus 2x]

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