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Just Go lyrics

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Song Lyrics  Just Go lyrics

look at yourself in the mirror
tell me do you like what you see now
what will it take to get things clearer
and break the bak of the demons on you now

cause you re winding down
growing out
oh all your words are out
and hold onto
cause its all you found
stroling out the door
without even saying goodbye

just go
just go without me
you d be better off without me
just go ahead and doubt me

just go
just go without me
i was the only one who cared about me
you d be better off without me

look at yourself in the mirror
tell me do you like what you ve become
all the question my heart
and all the things undone

cause you re winding down
growing out
oh all your words you have
and hold onto
cause its all you found
strolling out the door
without even saying goodbye

just go
just go without me
you d be better off without me
just go ahead and doubt me

just go
just go without me
i was the only one who cared about me
you d be better off without me

and when so much means so little
and your lifes took you in the middle
oh inside a war
you just cant seem to win
and when so much means so little
and your world is upside down
what can you do to clear yourself

just go
just go without me
you d be better off without me
just go ahead and doubt me

just go
just go without me
i was the only one who cared about me
you d be better off without me

ah ah ah oh oh-h
ah ah ah oh oh-h
ah ah ah oh oh-h
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