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Nobody Said That It

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song lyrics  Nobody Said That It Would Be Easy lyrics

Nobody said that it would be easy
To take away my walkin shoes
Cause honey I found I can t settle down
On my road there s another town
Where the people wanna hear a man
who sings the blues

Nobody said that it would be easy
Stay at home all alone
Honey I found I can t settle down
With you,
My road, there s another town
I gotta keep movin
I gotta keep rollin on

Some say I m a fool
Crazy fanatic
And more

I guess it s true
Like getting static
For a new pair of boots
And the way out the door

Nobody said that it would be easy
Sometimes you ll get confused
But honey I found I can t settle down
At the end of my road
There s another town
Where the people wanna hear a man
Who sings the blues

Some say I m a fool
Crazy fanatic
A dreamer a drifter and more
I guess it s true
Cause I get ecsatic
For a new pair of boots
and a way out the door

Nobody said that it would be easy
Sometimes you ll get confused
But honey I found I can t settle down
At the end of my road
There s another town
Where the people wanna hear a man
Who sings the blues
Yeah honey I found I can t settle down
At the end of my road
There s another town
Where the people wanna hear a man
Who sings the blues
song lyrics

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