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Ill Stay To The

Ill Stay To The mp3 songs

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song lyrics
I ll Stay To The West lyrics

The sun coming up,
seems to agree
with our moods
slow with world,
slow with the world, on our finger tips
and still we ll wish that we had something more to miss
when you leave for the east, ill stay to the west

dont expect me to miss you
yeah, dont expect me to miss you

we called ourselves miles, we let ourselvs dream
but dreams only come when we sleep,
we ve got thousands of miles, with states in between
i beg for you to forget me, just to let you be

dont expect me to miss
yeah, dont expect me to miss you

my bed gets sick of your body
like the moon gets sick of the stars
if im going down ill take the whole damn town down

dont expect me to miss you,
yeah dont expect me to miss you,

the sun coming up,
seems to agree
with our moods

song lyrics

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