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A Vampire s Laments lyrics

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song lyrics
A Vampire s Laments lyrics

I am the walking dead heartbreaker, my apologies,
I m happy you ll never understand what
It s like to be trapped under six feet of solid glass,
I can see out, but no one gets in
Screaming at this prison, I ve locked myself into,
I m sorry that I m still breathing and that I ll
Kill again. But the loneliness is too much for me to handle.
But the taste for fresh blood, pushes me on.
The strength of not forgiving
I told myself the constant pain would ease the tension burning inside
But the nights were cold and the days dragged to weeks,
I will die here alone I will die
The fear of romance
The pain of living
The joy of sorrow
The strength of not forgiving
God help me, I m so tired,
But in my dreams the wolves eat out my soul
God help me, I m so frightened,
But in my dreams wolves tear out my heart
I used to be golden, a saint in a time of sorrow,
But then the turning came and I kissed
The sun goodbye, don t you get it,
It s always darker in my eyes, the screams of my brothers
Egging me on
song lyrics

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