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song lyrics
Congratulations lyrics

(feat. Imogen Heap)

Is that seat taken
Would you like to take a walk with me

My mind it kind of goes fast
I try to slow it down for you
I think I d love to take a drive
I want to give you something
I ve been wanting to give to you for years
My heart

My heart, my pain won t cover up
You left me.. hu hu hu hu
My heart won t take this cover up
You left me.. hu hu hu hu

I came to see the light in my best friend
You seemed as happy as you d ever been
My chance of being open was broken
And now you re Mrs. him.

My words they don t come out right
But I ll try to say I m happy for you
I think I m going to take that drive
I want to give you something
I ve been wanting to give to you for years
My heart

My heart, my pain won t cover up
You left me.. hu hu hu hu
My heart
My heart won t take this cover up
You left me.. hu hu hu hu

And I can t change this
I can never take it back
But now I can t change your mind
(You left me)
And I can t take this
I can never take this back
But now I can t change your mind
can t change your mind
(You left me)
Can t change you mind
(You left me.. hu hu hu hu)
(You left me.. hu hu hu hu)
(You left me.. hu hu hu hu)
(You left me.. hu hu hu hu)

Go away
Make it go away
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