song lyrics Ozzy lyrics Ozzy ozzy ozzy ozzy Ozzy ozzy ozzy ozzy ozzy Ozzy ozzy ozzy...(can I get a little echo on this? ) Ozzy ozzy ozzy ozzy ozzy
What does it mean? The fire is green The demons just came through the window
Ozzy ozzy ozzy ozzy Ozzy ozzy ozzy ozzy Ozzy ozzy ozzy ozzy ozzy Ozzy ozzy ozzy ozzy ozzy
Big-league man The future looks dim Using [? ? ? ] forever
Ozzy ozzy ozzy Ozzy! you re the man! How can I grasp you power? I m sittin here lookin at this keychain And you...uh, there s mascara bleeding out of your eyes The microphone is in flames And there s a giant chicken claw above your head
Ozzy ozzy ozzy ozzy ozzy Ozzy ozzy ozzy ozzy ozzy ozzy ozzy ozzy song lyrics