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Nobody Understands lyrics

(Verse 1)
I?ve always felt that nobody really understood me and that I would rather die than go on livin?. I feel like I?m falling into some monotonous de je vue; that nobody understands me.

Nobody understands, nobody wants to listen, nobody lets me live the way I wanna live, sometimes I feel no one even cares, nobody asks me what I want and what I need the most. Nobody understands nobody gives me rights; don?t I deserve what I should have? Nobody understands.

(Verse 2)
And then there?s those people, they act like they don?t have souls, and when I try to let it slide it hurts all the more, but I know its what?s right. So I?m just gonna let it by.


(Verse 3)
And when I?ve had enough, I hit the streets I pass the old school house, walk up the hill, through those 2 big doors and then I remember that SOMEBODY UNDERSTANDS.

(Chorus 2)
Somebody understands, somebody wants to listen, somebody lets me live the way that I should live, and when I feel that no one even cares I look up at that cross and then I know that somebody cares, somebody gives me rights, somebody asks me what I want and what I need the most, somebody understands.

(Verse 4)
And when I feel that nobody understands all I gotta do is think about Him, and I?ll know that somebody understaaaands.
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