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Basically Wrong lyrics

Lies always seem to be the things that are accepted
They are the ones that never seem to get caught
But none of us should ever have to lie to make friends
But we d rather lie than to sleep with the dogs
Love is what I ll fight it all with,
Love... I won t save it for another day,
Love... is what I m gonna kick it in with...
Love... I don t want the arch to lose that way.
I had it all once, and I threw it all away.
Peace is the thing that everybody here is preaching
It s on the left side because it s everybody s love
But I ve seen you spit on someone in the same breath as peace
When someone disagrees you always give it up
Love... Is what I fight it all with.
Love.... I won t save it for another day.
Love... is what I m gonna kick it in with.
Love... I don t want the arch to lose that way.
It always seems just like a misplaced childhood, I think it does.
But I didn t misplace nothing.
Where are we anyway
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