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song lyrics
You Don t Count The Cost lyrics
Songwriters: Jones, Bucky; Waters, Chris; Shapiro, Tom Curtis;

It happens to a mother when she is giving birth
Her heart is filled with joy while her body s filled with hurt
She holds her baby close to her, despite the pain he caused
When it comes to love, you don t count the cost

It happens to a soldier, fighting for his home
Fear wells up inside him and yet he still goes on
Even though he knows he may be the next to fall
When it comes to love, you don t count the cost

You don t count the heartache, you don t count the sacrifice
And all that counts is what you feel inside
It doesn t really matter what is gained or what is lost
When it comes to love, no you don t count the cost

It happens all around us, each and every day
Someone s giving all they got for someone else s sake
If you ever doubt it just think about the cross
When it comes to love, you don t count the cost

You don t count the heartache, you don t count the sacrifice
And all that counts is what you feel inside
It doesn t really matter what is gained or what is lost
Cause when it comes to love, you don t count the cost, no
song lyrics

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