song lyrics Ten Little Bottles lyrics
A friend of mine gave me ten little bottles Of some special stuff that he d brewed up hisself But one day I was samplin it a little you know just a touch My wife found out about it I had it hid down in the basement you see And she says you go down there and get rid of that or else
Well since I didn t like the way she said or else I went down there and proceeded to carry out her instructions
Well I set the rest of these bottles up on the drainboard
I picked up the first bottle and I pulled the cork out of it And I poured it down the sink That is all except one little swaller which I drank
I picked up the next bottle and I pulled the sink out of it And I poured it down the sink All except one little swallow which I drink
I picked up the next cork and I pulled the sink out of it And I poured it down the bottle All except one tiny little swallow which I sank
I usually have a little difficulty with this number You see I come from a great long line of stink, uh drinkers I had an uncle once he drank a quart a day everyday of his life No kiddin he could drink a quart an not even stagger He couldn t even move We told him we said You d better quit drinkin that stuff it s gonna kill you Sure enough it killed him He died last year at the age of 102
Don t laugh we dug him up last week And he looks better than ya ll do now We got back here he asked me What s the difference between a drunk and an alcoholic Well I m gonna tell you Us drunks don t have to attend all them danged ol meetings
Listen you may talk about me But I tell you one thing You d better not say anyting against my wife Cause I ll have you know I ll have you know That I got the wifest little nice in the whole New Nighted Stakes song lyrics