song lyrics Not In Dog Years lyrics Oh oh oh so you re the new boy in town? I ve been putting up with you while you re putting me down I ll tell you one thing, this is my fucking town You can do what you want but I ll shut you down A boy and his guitar How dare you dis me for that fucking girl A boy and his guitar What the hell were you crying for? I hate you more than I did before You re trying so hard and it makes me hurl With nothing out of place, not even a curl Now who fucken bites in your teenage world? Who s gonna kick your ass? I think it s a girl! Now you say you re bored If you re bored, it s cause you re boring How dare you say you re bored When you re bored, it s cause you re bored You re the fucken one that made me snore Now we got the honest ass running for mayor You re working your way up, but I beat you there All you worry about is your hair and what you wear Well no one likes your band and see how much I care I won t say a thing Don t worry what they think of you I won t say nothing Don t worry what they say of you Everybody knows why I hate you I don t want you And I don t need you Everyone knows why I hate you song lyrics