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Close Your Eyes lyrics

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Close Your Eyes lyrics
(Lyrics by Dinho Ouro Preto, Bebel Gilberto, B�co Dranoff)

You know you can feel the breeze with patience of a lifetime
Dance above the trees to the rhythm in your mind
Gently touching your skin inside out
Floating on the seas, it carries me around

You can close your eyes and never be alone
You can close your eyes and never be alone
You can close your eyes and never be alone
You can close your eyes and never be alone

Penso em voc�, sinto um gosto de mar
Nos gr�os de areia, e eu a rolar
Vou rodar o mundo , mas aqui � o meu lugar
Eu vou rodar o mundo mas aqui � o meu lugar

Thinking about you, I feel the taste of the sea
In the sand grains, I am rolling
Gonna go around the world, but here is my place
I ll go around the world, but here is my place)

You can close your eyes and never be alone
You can close your eyes and never be alone
You can close your eyes and never be alone
You can close your eyes and never be alone

Since the day I left, from the start
I can feel megabytes of memories in my heart
Wish I disappear and wake up in some other place
Where there s no pain or fear, is simple like Hello

You can close your eyes and never be alone
You can close your eyes and never be alone
You can close your eyes and never be alone
You can close your eyes and never be alone
(Literal translation by B�co Dranoff)
It s better to be happy than sad
Happiness is the best thing there is
It is like a light in the heart
But to make a samba with beauty
It s needed a bit of sadness
If not the samba can t be made

To make a samba is not like telling a joke
And who makes samba like this is worth nothing
The good samba is a kind of prayer
Because samba is the sadness that sways
And sadness is always hopeful
Of one day not being sad any more

Put a little love in the cadence
And you ll see that in this world nobody wins
The beauty that a samba have
Because samba was born in Bahia
And if today it is white in it s poetry
It is very black in it s heart
song lyrics

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