song lyrics
Always lyrics
I can feel you.. against my skin,
I feel you...
Like the poison seeping into Into my veins, numb with the pain
Sick and guilty Is The sadness you ve given to me...
I can feel you... Always...
I will learn too late It s too late.. to change It is too late.. Still these strange frustration stains Burn my skin when nobody needs me....
This sadness.. Forced to feel Like poison, I ll never heal
I will learn too late It s too late.. to change It is too late.. Still these strange frustration stains Burn my skin when nobody needs me....
It s always, you re always I m always and I I need you always.. I need you always
It s always, you re always, I m always and I I m always... Always...
I am with you always I am with you always I am with you always I am with you always
Always.. Always.. Always.. Always.. song lyrics