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You Were The One lyrics

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You Were The One lyrics
I ve known you a long time.
What you meant to me
I thought you knew, I thought you could see.
Lived life - for hours we were never apart
what made it sour - you broke my heart.

You were the one - That made me unafraid.
You were the one - who would have thought
our friendship would fade away.
You were the one - that made me feel so alive.
You were the one - I want you to know how much
you made me cry.

Do you even notice that there s nothing there?
I could never bring it up. How could I dare?
You played dumb, I don t think you really care.
Always wanted to spill my heart, but I was too scared.

You were the one - that made me unafraid.
You were the one - would have thought our
friendship would fade away.
You were the one - that made me feel so alive.
You were the one - I want you to know
how much you made me cry.
song lyrics

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